Share where you belong and win a £1,000 voucher


Q: Can I enter multiple times?

A: Yes! We encourage multiple entries per week in line with the weekly themes of Societies, charities, teams and friendship groups. 

Q: How will I know if I’ve won?

A: The RMP Enterprise team will select the first voucher winner on 26th January 2023 and three new winners will be picked every Thursday until the final lucky draw on 20th February 2023. If you win, we will be in touch with you by phone or email. 

Q. How am I eligible to win?

A: University students within the UK and Northern Ireland can enter! You are eligible to win the voucher prize if you simply enter your personal details and answer where you feel like you belong! 

Q: How do I choose my voucher/subscription?

A: After entering the competition, if you are selected as a winner, you will either win a weekly £250 AllForOne voucher or the grand prize of £1,000 AllForOne voucher. 

Q: What are the dates of the competition?

A: The competition opens on Friday 20th January 2023 at midday and closes when we announce the final winners at midday on Friday 24th February 2023.

Q: What will my personal information be used for?

A: By entering into the competition, you agree that RMP Enterprise will use your data to get in touch if you are one of our lucky winners! You have the option to tick the box to receive further information from the A&O Graduate Recruitment team via email. If you win, we may use your name and a written testimonial to announce the prize on social media or email.

Q: How will I receive my prize?

A:  RMP Enterprise will be in touch via phone or email to discuss your prize and you must acknowledge your win within 24 hrs (Mon-Fri), otherwise we’ll approach another winner! Voucher prizes will be sent directly to you via email. Remember to check your emails so we can reach you!